Friday, February 27, 2009


Friday, February 27, 2009
Today was pretty much just as bad as yesterday! I didnt sleep well last night at all. I woke up like every 2 hours. Right before I went to bed I had a fever of 102 and through out the night I would wake up sweating...and then of course be really cold. I guess I finally woke up around 8 and Kaylyn got up at 8:20. Kevin left and took her to school. He brought back some McDonald's Hotcakes & Sausage for me. Not exactly on my diet but with the way I was feeling I didnt really care at the moment. I ended up taking about an hour nap and close to 12 Kevin got ready to go into work. Shortly after that the weather started getting really bad so for the most part I watched the weather all day and blog stalked. Around 3 my mom picked up Kaylyn's bag and then went over to my MIL to pick Kaylyn up. She said that she would keep her while I was since especially since Kevin does not get home from work until about 9:30. However, shortly after that the weather got worse so I decided to go down to my parents and wait it out. I am a freak when it comes to bad weather and this mobile home. I really cant stand to be in here when it is storming.

But anyway, most of the day I spent in bed either wathching the weather or reading blogs. I am hoping that tomorrow is much better. I will be taking my some NyQuil again tonight and hopefully I will be able to sleep later tomorrow...especially with since Kaylyn isnt here.

I do feel a little guilty since she isnt here. She has been home from Georgia 2 days and she is spending the night with my parents. I know its because I am sick but I still feel bad. And I think she understands but she still gets me when she tells me "Mom, I am gonna miss you so much when you are gone." Hopefully tomorrow will be better and we can spend some quality time together. Good Night!



I hope you feel better! take it easy & she'll be home with you soon!


aww what a sweetie! Don't you just LOVE the guilt that comes along with being a parent? UGH! Here you are probably feeling like dying - and you are having to justify spending more time away from your child?? Don't know why that is in us, but it's there.
Feel better!! **hugs!**


Thanks for checking out my blog! :) Boy, everyone I know is sick. Crazy! My kids have been sick for a couple of weeks now. I think we are finally coming to the end of it. Hope you get well soon!


I hope you are feeling better! Take it easy so there is no relapse. =)

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