Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Fill In!

Friday, February 20, 2009
Hey It's Friday Fill In! I got this off of Danita's Blog. Go check her's out and let us know what you think!

1. Give me comments and I'll return the favor.

2. Whenever I need to work I start blog stalking.

3. I wish it was 5:00 so that I can be heading home!

4. Chicken Fajita's was the last thing I ate that was utterly delicious.

5. To live in this world you gotta be strong.

6. Other than this one, Kristen's Palace is the last blog I commented on.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to setting up our new 46" tv that we should have not bought, tomorrow my plans include sleeping in because Kaylyn is in Georgia this weekend and helping my anunt & uncle move, Sunday, I am going to church because I have the nursery and then just wait for Kaylyn to come home!



#2 is pretty dead on for me too!
Enjoy your child-less weekend! I need one of those ;)

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