Yes, it's that time again. It's Not Me Monday! This tradition was started by MckMama as a way to get some things that you did NOT do off of your chest. It the fun part...it's completely free. So hop on over to MckMama's Blog and see what she and everyone else did NOT do this week!
I was Not so depressed over my weight that I did NOT join Weight Watchers this week! I am NOT pumped about it and do NOT hope that it is the right diet for me!
I did NOT let Kaylyn fall asleep watching Madagascar 2 and I did NOT just put her in her PJ's because I was afraid that if she woke up she wouldnt go back to sleep!
My stepson did NOT get suspended from school because he was skipping school with some other kids in the school bathroom and then uploaded video's of them goofing off on You Tube. See this post for more info. I then did NOT suggest that if he skips again to take it off campus! Really, I did NOT say that!
It was NOT me that slept in the entire weekend and didnt do any house cleaning at all. What kind of wife am I?
Well that's all I have this week! Dont forget to hop on over to MckMama's Blog to see what everyone else has been up to!
Ok, that is hilarious about your son skipping school & uploading it to YouTube. Love it! I mean, that is SO wrong. :D
I absolutely LOVE the you did "not" suggest your stepson LEAVE the school premises if he decides to skip again! You made me laugh out loud!
You made me laugh. Way to go with joining Weight Watchers. I hope it helps you. Hang in there. Just as a heads up, I got onto Craigslist the other day and found an elliptical machine for free. It was in perfect condition. Now I can actually work out at home since I can't afford those pricey gyms. Just and FYI.
I'm with you on your stepson taking his shennanigans off campus - and not to video tape it next time and put it on the internet! I laughed and then felt bad - poor kid!
Funny! Liked your "Not Me Monday" ")
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