I have joined a blog carnival over at MckMama's Blog. This is free therapy. Here we get to tell things that NEVER happened over the past week. To read more Not Me! moments go see MckMama's blog.
It was definately Not Me! that was bitten by some unknown spider and my leg hurt so bad! I thought it was maybe an infected hair follicle but when is turned bright red and began to spread over my
Speaking of said steroid shot...It was Not Me that was up basically the whole night because of this shot! I did not blog stalk people because there were so many links on the Mr Linky at MckMama's Blog Not Me Monday post!
It was also Not Me! that came to conclusion that I did need to go to the doctor about said Spider Bite and was in such a hurry to get going I DID NOT only shave the one leg that indeed had the bite on it. How pitiful is that???
It was Not Me! that got the bright idea of going to the car wash on Saturday and when I got there I realized apprarently I wasnt the only one who had that idea! There were literally like 20 cars in line for the car wash and vacuums. It also wasnt me that kept driving because I am not a patient person. So I ended up going back home...what a waste of gas.
So tell me...what did you Not do this week?
LOL - the one leg shave. You are very practical :)
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