In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. You can play along too. Just be sure to stop by Kailani's
My question this week is:
Where would be your dream place to live?
I would live here:
On the beach in Mexico!
Yikes ~ Stripes! Hmmm. . . Tht's a tough one becuz there are several places I would call my dream place to live. One is Coronado Island (near San Diego, CA) and the others are Carmel, CA or The coast of Spain!
It's a toss up between the relaxed island life in Hawaii (although I think I might go stir crazy) or the hustle and bustle of NYC.
I would LOVE to live either TWO places--on the beach in Hawaii (ah relaxing) or in Paris (of course I don't speak much French and really hate the cold...but my heart is truly in Paris!!)
I would love to live in the Hampton's or Beverly Hills.
virginia beach, va. its the most quietest place i have ever been to.
I want to also live in Mexico. Zihuataneo to be exact. My paradise. Just give me a cocoloco and a beach chair and sign me up!
I would want to live anywhere that is warm and sunny every day. Maybe the Caribbeans.
I would love to live closer to my family. And someplace where there is snow. Maybe Colorado!
My dream place to live is anywhere close to my family.
I would love to live somewhere foreign when my kids are all gone. That's a long time from now so I'll have plenty of time to pinpoint where that would be :)
Well, besides where I'm living now I would love to live in SoCal so I can go to Disneyland any time I want!
Maine.....for some reason I have always wanted to live there. NEVER BEEN but would love to live there!
I would love to live on the beach in Mexico too, or in the carabean
I have never been there but I would have to say Italy - somewhere in the countryside in a villa... Ciao!
Come visit my Aloha Friday HERE!
Honestly, at this point somewhere where owning a home could be affordable would be a big plus. Mild weather, plenty of nature around but plenty of things in walking distance, too.
I would be hard pressed to say-I love the mountains but I love temperate weather. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment.
I always like Miami, there is lot's to do, there are job opportunities in my field and there are beautiful beaches and great weather. But there are those storms too, I guess Miami, though I am pretty happy here in NY.
I would love to live near Disney World in Orlando. The weather may not always be perfect, but being near there to escape the reality of life would be so nice.
I like your dream place. I think that is mine too. Looks nice. Only thing missing is an umbrella drink. :-)
Really? You would live there? That beach seems to be the exact one that I would be on too. Maybe we could live in the same hut condos together. It would be nice. Just think of all the blogging gossip we could gab about while we drink our fruity cocktails. :)
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If you wanna play, stop by my blog.
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