Friday, February 27, 2009
But anyway, most of the day I spent in bed either wathching the weather or reading blogs. I am hoping that tomorrow is much better. I will be taking my some NyQuil again tonight and hopefully I will be able to sleep later tomorrow...especially with since Kaylyn isnt here.
I do feel a little guilty since she isnt here. She has been home from Georgia 2 days and she is spending the night with my parents. I know its because I am sick but I still feel bad. And I think she understands but she still gets me when she tells me "Mom, I am gonna miss you so much when you are gone." Hopefully tomorrow will be better and we can spend some quality time together. Good Night!
Aloha Friday

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. You can play along too. Just be sure to stop by Kailani's
My question this week is:
On the beach in Mexico!
Friday Fill-Ins

2. Why do I have the flu and not getting any better.
3. How does this Child-proof NyQuil cap work, anyway?
4. Every morning, I put my hand on my snooze button SEVERAL times!!!
5. I consider myself lucky because I still have a job and there are many without!
6. One day we’ll see a sold sign in our front yard!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to staying in bed!, tomorrow my plans include sleeping in & staying in bed and Sunday, I have a birthday party for both my grandparents...lets hope I am well by then!
Make sure you copy & paste onto your blog! Let me know so I can go & read yours!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Thank God for NyQuil
Kevin reminded me that he does take care of me when I am sick. He does but not like I take care of him lol! And I am not sick as much as he is. But I will admit, he has done a good job! Well I am off to watch the 10 o'clock news and then I am off to bed!
Guess what I have??
I will give you a starts with F and ends with LU. Yes I have the flu! I feel so bad. I would never wish this upon anyone! I didnt know you could feel this bad. My back hurts like he#$! My throat even hurts. I havent been able to eat really anything. I am trying to keep my distance from Kaylyn. Kevin told her I got 2 shots today and she freaked out. It was so cute. She was really worried about me. But of course I take them like a champ! I have been in bed since around 12 and it's getting really boring. I have been able to catch up on some of my blog stalking today lol! Plus the doctor recommended no work tomorrow...who am I to argue? Even though it sounds boring and has been most of the day I am looking forward to staying in the bed and doing nothing...well blogging probably.
Please pray that I will get to feeling better because tomorrow Kaylyn and her 2 cousins have to get their pictures made at Portrait Innovations. This is something we have to get done so I really dont want to cancel because it takes forever to get another appt. The 3 of them are the only great grandchildren on my moms side so we thought we would get all their pictures taken together for my grandparents. It was their Birthday Tues. & Wed.
So wish me luck! Of course I will probably be on tomorrow and give you an update!
Guess what I have??
Please pray that I will get to feeling better because tomorrow Kaylyn and her 2 cousins have to get their pictures made at Portrait Innovations. This is something we have to get done so I really dont want to cancel because it takes forever to get another appt. The 3 of them are the only great grandchildren on my moms side so we thought we would get all their pictures taken together for my grandparents. It was their Birthday Tues. & Wed.
So wish me luck! Of course I will probably be on tomorrow and give you an update!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
B-A-G to the T-A-G
Here is my purse. No it is not real. It is a knock off Coach purse. Kevin bought this for me right before Thanksgiving in Atlanta at a mall. I love it though. It has enough room for all my stuff and then some!
Below is a picture of everything in my purse. I just dumped everything out and put it in a pile so I could take a picture.
Below is everything minus all the paper. I have everything listed below too!
In my purse I have: my wallet, glasses & the case, cell phone, make-up pouch, bottle of water, loose change, 2 inhalers (I am asthmatic), sticky fingers stuff, Tide To Go Pen, 3 presciptions, excedrin migraine, tums, allergy medicine, pony tail holder, flash drive, germ X, 2 necklaces (Kaylyn's), tootsie pop (K's), 4 packs of gum, hair brush, chewy granola bar, and a couple of dollars.
Ok, I will be Bag Tagging the following ladies:
The Fat Girl Smiles
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Dentist
My stomach growled the whole time I was in the dentist chair. They took an xray of my tooth. The dentist came in and told me it was absessed. He could either do a root canal or they could just pull it. I opted for the root canal because I dont want to be missing a tooth. So he said I could wait and do it or go ahead and have it done today. Again I chose today because it was hurting so bad. I couldnt keep this up although I probably could have dropped a few pounds by not eating lol! They numbed me up pretty good...I just hate those shots they have to give you. It really stung! Anyway about 45mins later or so they finished my root canal. I am still pretty numb from it. They gave me an antibiotic and some pain meds for the week. I stopped by Walgreens and had that filled. I have taken my meds so I am getting ready to go to bed.
I did want to
Anyway, I am getting some feeling back and a little bit of pain so I am heading off to bed. Hope you have a great night!
Blog Makeover

I am trying to do a makeover on this blog myself. I am really into learning how to do it so if any of you have any tips or suggestions please send them to me!
Blog Makeover do you like my blog makeover? Mandy did it! I just love it. I wish I could be this creative! Mandy is raising money for an MS Ride she will be doing in honor of her mother in TX on May 2nd & 3rd. She was great to work with and I was always able to stay in touch with her. If you are interested in a blog makeover I completely recommend Mandy. For more information go see her site Blogs By Mandy and dont forget to tell her I sent you:)!
Monday, February 23, 2009
When I got home tonight I came into feed her fish. Well one didnt make it. He/she lived for almost 3 months which I dont think is bad for a goldfish. Kevin and I discussed replacing it before she realizes it but thought we better not. We are not going to say anything about it and see if she notices it. However, that fish cost me 6 bucks so I want my money back...beleive it or not they have a 90 day guarantee lol! It will be 90days on the 26th. Do you think I am crazy for getting my money back? I doubt I will but it was a thought. We will probably just let her pick out another one that she likes and get it and add it to the tank.
Well I will tell you of all her adventures tomorrow night!
Also, in the pic is our new TV. It's 46" Samsung LCD. We got our tax refund on Friday. I wanted a new bedroom suite for our bedroom because ours is old (my parents handed it down to me and they got it right before I was born (so its at least 26 yrs old)) and Kevin wanted a new TV. I guess you can see who won!
I have talked to Kaylyn tonight so I am good. She is so excited that she is coming home tomorrow. She told me she misses me so much. I am also very excited about her coming home too. This is the longest we have ever been apart so it's new to me. Please pray that she will have a safe trip home:)
Now to my toothache. I am one of those people that take's pride in my teeth. I brush at least 3 times a day and flossing too. I wish my teeth were whiter but I am honestly not spending the money to whiten them. Anyway, with all the care I take of my teeth they do NOT appreciate it. I swear I have the worst luck! On the 12th of this month I was eating a sub sandwich and one of my fillings came out. It didnt hurt but of course it was a hole to it packed food (sorry to be gross). Still I have been brushing my teeth every time I eat so
ps: Because so many of you have requested a pic of my new hairstyle (the scrunched look on someone that has always had very straight hair) I will post one soon. I am not into taking pics of myself but I will do my best.
Not Me Monday!

Yes, It is that time again! It is Not Me Monday! This was started by MckMama a while back and has become a Monday favorite. This is where I can tell you all the things I did NOT do the past week and can get away with it free of judgment. This is the best therapy! After you read my Not Me's head over to MckMama's and see what her and everyone else did NOT do this week!
- I am still NOT on my healthy kick and decide to cook some salmon. Only to realize after putting it in the oven that you have to peel one side of it off. Yup, I am a great cook!
- I did NOT participate in a Spinning class at the gym and NOT like it! I did NOT like it so much that I am NOT going to do it again next week!
- I did NOT lie to my daughter telling her there was no gymnastics class on Wednesday because there was a field trip and another little girl tell her there was. I did NOT then lie to her again telling her that "unnamed girl" didnt know what she was talking about trying to head off a fit.
- I am NOT missing my daughter who has been in Georgia since Thursday and wont be home until Tuesday. I did NOT think I would have a good weekend without her only to find out I did NOT miss her that much!
- I did NOT cheat on my diet Friday & Saturday so bad that I refused to count up my WW points so that I did not know how many points I actually did NOT consume!
- I was NOT a little excited that MckMama left me a comment last week on my Not Me Monday post even though it was to tell me that she deleted my link because I freaked Mr. Linky out because I didnt add space in my title.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
My Weekend
I have come to conclusion...I need to stop being lazy and just face what I have put in my mouth. I need to start counting it up no matter what and hold myself accountable. I feel like I am getting to comfortable with this diet. I have to get back on track including more excerise. I know I can do this. I was having fun with it at first...I just need to keep it up! I still need your encouragement...that is a big part of my success. I hope you all had a good weekend!
I have talked to her everyday sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. I really do miss her but I know she will be home Tuesday. However, Kevin and I had some good "us" time. We went out to eat on Friday night and bought some movies. On Friday night we watched "What Happens in Vegas" with Aston Kutcher and Cameron Diaz. It was really funny...if you havent seen it and want a good laugh check it out. Last night we had Taco Bell (very romantic lol) and came home and watch "Wanted" with Angelina Jolie. It was pretty good too! The ending was different than I put together but it was good. But I still miss her and I cant wait till she gets home! Please pray that they have a safe trip home!
Friday, February 20, 2009
As Kevin and I were sitting there watching the play...there were about 100 kids or so...we both noticed that Kaylyn just cant sit still and all the other kids were. Dont get me wrong she was watching the play very intently but she was either sitting on her bottom or moving and sitting with her legs under her or even trying to stand and watch. There was a couple of times where she would sit in my lap and even another mother's lap. She just cant sit still. Both my mom & MIL thinks that she is ADHD...which is not a problem so is Jason. Of course if she is I really dont think I would medicate her unless it really came to be a big problem in school. She starts kindergarten in the fall so we will wait and see. I am not worried about it but it just caught my attention.
Kaylyn went to Georgia with my MIL to see her parents. They left yesterday and will not be back until Sunday...maybe Monday. Now dont get me wrong I miss Kaylyn but I guess I do need a break every now & again. So needless to say I will be sleeping in tomorrow! Kevin is off tomorrow too so I guess we both will be sleeping late. After I get up I will be going over to help my aunt & uncle move. I wasnt I think I will just show up and help. My mom will be there and she told me about it. And of course on Sunday I will be going to church. So that is my weekend plans.
Also, I forgot to tell you I got my hair
Well that is some of what I have been doing lately and my weekend plans. What are you doing this weekend?
Friday Fill In!
1. Give me comments and I'll return the favor.
2. Whenever I need to work I start blog stalking.
3. I wish it was 5:00 so that I can be heading home!
4. Chicken Fajita's was the last thing I ate that was utterly delicious.
5. To live in this world you gotta be strong.
6. Other than this one, Kristen's Palace is the last blog I commented on.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to setting up our new 46" tv that we should have not bought, tomorrow my plans include sleeping in because Kaylyn is in Georgia this weekend and helping my anunt & uncle move, Sunday, I am going to church because I have the nursery and then just wait for Kaylyn to come home!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Great Friday Giveaway!
Now remember that best friend of mine that gave me the awesome Lia Sophia bracelet to giveaway, well she just happens to be in some of the best marketing internships right now & well guess what! FREE STUFF :) So she is hooking me up & since I love all of my blogging friends, you all can win these!
Heres what your playing for...

A ten dollar giftcard to Starbucks coffee

A ten dollar giftcard to Kohls

10 dollars from victoria secrets
30 dollars free.. this is how you can win..
1. Leave a comment =2 entries
2. Follower or Become a Follower=3 entries
3. Link to my page & tell me =5 entries
GOOD LUCK!! I will run this until TUESDAY FEBRUARY 24TH. & to my best friend ever, thank you! Your awesome.
Dont forget to go see Kristen!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wordful Wednesday's!
So this picture is of Kaylyn and a Hoover firefighter. They had Fire Safety week last Oct and the fire dept came to talk with the Children. They did their little speech and then got dressed all up in their gear including the air mask that makes air noises when you breath. After that he asked if the any one of the Children would come up and hug him. Most of them were freaked out but Kaylyn looked up at me and asked if she could. I said sure go ahead. She did and was the first to give him a hug in his gear. I was so proud...just because she wasnt scared. After she hugged him the other kids saw that it was fine and they soon followed after her. I am guessing she will be a leader and not a follower!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Sleepy...Very Sleepy
However, let me tell you about my morning. I ended up taking a shower & washing my hair around 3:45. I really dont think the hubby was too crazy about this but he never said anything. Oh, well...I just cant stand it when he sleeps like a baby and I lay there listening to him snore! I finished drying my hair around 4:20 so I thought "Why dont I go to the gym?" I am up so why not put some of this enegy to good use (I really wish I had it back about now!). So I gathered everything up everything including all of my morning essentials and headed to the gym. I got there right at 5 and was amazed that 5 other
I use to be completely be intimidated by spinning. Several people I knew took it and loved it but I have never seen myself as being that active so I never really was "too" intereseted in it. Well, I swallowed my pride and just did it. Definately will do it again! So has anyone else experienced spinning or do you have any ideas of something that would be fun?
ps: I dont know if I will make it to my WW weigh in but I will definately go on Thursday. It really depends on my energy level! Also, I have to go to my parents tonight so they can see Kaylyn. She will be leaving with my MIL to go to Georgia to visit her parents. They will be leaving Thursday and coming back either late Sunday or on Monday. So in other words my parents need to see her before she leaves. How spoiled is she?
Bedroom Bliss
So, this month we are giving away what we like to call: Bedroom Bliss
If you are interested in this give away got on over to SITS and tell them I sent you!
When I grow up
So what did you want to be when you grew up?
What I Cant Stand...
Oh by the way that is a handicap parking decal...I just thought of it. Yes, it takes me a minute!
So what can you not stand?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Not Me Monday!

Yes, it's that time again! Not Me Monday is a wonderful blog carnival that MckMama started! It is the best therapy there is and it's completely free!! This is where I will tell you all things that I did NOT do this past week. After you read mine hop on over to MckMama's blog and see what her and everyone else did NOT do this week!
- I did NOT have to take my daughter back to the doctor's office again for the 3rd time in the last 6 weeks only for her to be NOT diagnosed with walking pneumonia again! They did NOT prescribe 10 days of antibiotics for her again!
- I did NOT keep my daughter out of school on Friday because they were only going to be in school for 2.5 hrs because they had a teachers conference in the afternoon.
- I did NOT leave Kaylyn with my parents on Valentine's night just so that the hubby and I could enjoy dinner & a movie in the peace & quiet!
- On Sunday I did NOT sleep in instead of going to church. I am NOT that bad of a Christian. I am NOT just tired!
- I did NOT take half a day off on Friday afternoon and use the excuse that Kaylyn was sick just so that I could go home early only to NOT enjoy the rest of my Birthday with my family!
- For my Birthday my parent's did NOT take all of us to a great Catfish place on Friday night! My dinner was NOT free because it was my birthday!
Not Me Monday!

Yes, it's that time again! Not Me Monday is a wonderful blog carnival that MckMama started! It is the best therapy there is and it's completely free!! This is where I will tell you all things that I did NOT do this past week. After you read mine hop on over to MckMama's blog and see what her and everyone else did NOT do this week!
- I did NOT go and weigh in this week at WW and I did NOT find out that I have lost 3.4 lbs this week! NOT me!
- I was NOT me that cheated on my diet over the weekend and had Birthday cake which was 7pts and if that wasnt enough I added 3 more pts for vanilla ice cream!
- Not speaking of my diet I have NOT had only water to drink over the last week! I am NOT learning to like water!
- Other than my "cheat" over the weekend I am NOT liking this WW diet and I am NOT getting use to the whole point thing!
- It was NOT me that turned 26 on Friday the 13th!
- It was also NOT m loving husband who got me a birthday cake that said "Happy 25th Birthday Alicia!" We have been married almost 6yrs, he surely does NOT know how old I am!
- It was NOT me that got pretty mad at a lady that was suppose to come look at my house between 5 & 6 on Tuesday. It was NOT me that got even madder when she showed up at 8 that night! But, it might NOT turn out well because I do NOT think she is ready to buy it. Please pray she do NOT want it and that all the financing does NOT go well!!!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
All About My Adorable, Sweet, Loving Husband
Friday, February 13, 2009
Jason's Birthday
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Valentine's Party
After school Kevin took her back to the doctor. She still has that cough that we can not seem to get rid off. I feel bad for her. Well the doctor diagnosed her with Walking Pneumonia. Great! She really hasnt shown any signs of it other than the cough. They prescribed her 10days of antibiotics so hopefully that will knock it own out. As a precaution we are keeping her home from school tomorrow. When she gets really excited or over exerted she starts coughing which is was we are trying to nip. Besides they only have school for a couple of hours tomorrow anyway. They have a teacher's conference in the afternoon so they are getting out early. She just wont be going. Kevin is off tomorrow so he will stay home with her and since tomorrow is my birthday I will hopefully only be working half a day and I can come home and spend the rest of the day with them. Please say a prayer for Kaylyn...that she can knock the stuff out and she gets completely better this time! I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Weigh In
I am stalling you...can you tell? I lost 3.4lbs over the last week. I am very happy with weight loss. Especially since I cheated some over the weekend. So I think if I really stick with my points I might be able to do a little better next week. However, tomorrow is my birthday and I will be taken out to eat twice this weekend (my parents & in-laws)so I hope that I can be strong enough to stay within my points. On my way home I was sitting in traffic and I read my 2nd book that they gave me tonight when I weighed in. It's about exercise. Depending on how much exercise you do you can gain a certain amt of food points. Meaning if I exercise moderately for 30-45mins I can earn up to 1-2pts that I can add back to my daily count. So that's good news! Well thanks for all of your encouragement! I will keep you posted!
Candy Hearts

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Lemonade Award!

1. Put the logo on your blog or post. (Right click on the logo and save to your own computer.)
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude!
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post with the person from whom you received your award.
I nominate the following:
The Fat Girl Smiles
Wife and Mom of 3 boys
Adventure in Raising Boys
Grace Like Rain
Since I was so proud that I actually cooked I took a picture of it! I know...I am crazy but I will probably use as proof when my mom says that I dont cook lol! Forgive my fine China!! We use paper plates all the time pretty much no matter what. Less for me to actually clean up ha ha! So what do you think of my supper?
Wordful Wednesday
This picture I found when I was uploading pictures. It seems that Kaylyn like to take pictures of herself along with other things around the house. I thought it was funny because she actually got a good shot of herself. Some of the others were very very close closeups of her nose and eyes. It was too funny!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Fishing for Nothing
Monday, February 9, 2009
Not Me Monday!

Yes, it's that time again. It's Not Me Monday! This tradition was started by MckMama as a way to get some things that you did NOT do off of your chest. It the fun's completely free. So hop on over to MckMama's Blog and see what she and everyone else did NOT do this week!
I was Not so depressed over my weight that I did NOT join Weight Watchers this week! I am NOT pumped about it and do NOT hope that it is the right diet for me!
I did NOT let Kaylyn fall asleep watching Madagascar 2 and I did NOT just put her in her PJ's because I was afraid that if she woke up she wouldnt go back to sleep!
My stepson did NOT get suspended from school because he was skipping school with some other kids in the school bathroom and then uploaded video's of them goofing off on You Tube. See this post for more info. I then did NOT suggest that if he skips again to take it off campus! Really, I did NOT say that!
It was NOT me that slept in the entire weekend and didnt do any house cleaning at all. What kind of wife am I?
Well that's all I have this week! Dont forget to hop on over to MckMama's Blog to see what everyone else has been up to!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
This Weekend
Friday, February 6, 2009
Mardi Gras Give Away!

Bumpkin on a Swing is hosting a sweet (literally) contest for Mardi Gras. She is giving a way a King's Cake. If you havent had one you are missing out!! Only if you have real one...not a walmart brand or one like that. She is giving away a REAL one!! Hop on over to her blog and see what all the fuss is about!!!
February 6
As I said before I have 30pts a day. I did go over 2 pts today and I really feel bad about that but it's not enough to detur me. I still have 30 flex points that I can use without the week and that is where I pulled the extra 2 pts from. Did you know that 10 baby carrots equals 0pts? I found that out Wednesday night and I have been having that as my nightly snack for O pts!!! Also, I did have sweet tea today which was 3 pts and then water throughout the day. Yesterday I had water all day and I really felt better. I know that is stupid but when I had the tea its added 3 more pts to my daily count and I just didnt like that. So I really think I am going to just stick with water.
I wanted to thank everyone for all of the encouraging words. I feel so much better having you on my side!!!
Now let me tell you what my
Flabby Friday

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hanky Panky

Hanky Panky

February 4
I forgot to mention last night (why I dont know) that I have lost 3.5 pounds on my own so I am hoping that is a good sign. I am allowed 30pts for the day and of course I have those weekly extra points but I plan on not using them unless I have to. I dont want to get in the mindset of "Oh, I can eat this because I have extra points." Hopefully I will push them out of my mind if possible. I also plan on going to the gym on my way home. I am really trying to start this off right and if I can make it a habit it will be better for me in the end. Kaylyn is staying with my inlaws tonight because of our work schedule so that gives me a night to myself and I want to go to the I am going!
Packet of Oatmeal 3pts
Bottle of Water 0pts
27pts to go!
***Update 2***
My day
Wordless Wednesday!

It's so cold!
So how cold is it where you are at?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
No She Didnt
So what has your child said?
My Last Supper
I joined Weight Watchers!
One of the interesting things I learned is that now WW is allowing more types of drinks. Meaning that I dont only have to drink water. Water is no points but I cant still have other drinks (like tea) that counts as fluids for the days. I still have to "count"the tea but I can still drink it and count it as a fluid. That is good news for me because I hate drinking water. However, though I think what I am going to do is still drink the water all day but I will still enjoy one sweet tea a day. Water is still the best for you! So that is what I am going to try and do.