Ok folks! It's that time again. This is where I can confess all of the "Not Me" moments of the week and I am totally free of judgment. To read more "Not Me" moments hop on over to MckMama's blog at www.mycharmingkids.net. So here I go...
- It was Not Me who waited until the very last minute to mail out Birthday invitations for Kaylyn's birthday!
- It was also Not Me that waited until this last minute to get a cake that I ended up having to print a picture of Wall-E so that they can scan it on the cake instead of having a Wall-E cake made.
- Again it was so Not Me that went looking for a house and fell in love with it. It will take a little elbow...well maybe alot of elbow grease to get into shape.
- It was Not Me that gave my daughter some candy fruit snacks for "breakfast" one morning because I didnt feel like cooking anything. Wow...thats bad. But its ok because it wasnt me:)
- It is not me that has become such a blog stalker! I would never admit that but its not me anway so what does it matter?
- It was not me that didnt do laundry all week that it finally piled up and the hubby didnt have any jeans to wear to work so he ended up doing the laundry. What kind of wife would do that? Not Me!!
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