It's time for Not Me Monday!!! I have been following along on several blogs especially the creator of Not Me Monday's MckMama and just joined the blogging world. This is where you can tell evyone things you "did not" do! Its great therapy! You should try it! So here goes my first...
It was Not Me who took my child by McDonald's for an ice cream cone knowing that I would end up eating half of it because she only likes the smushy cone...no not me!
No it wasnt me that cleaned out all of Kaylyn's toys and picked out the ones I know she still plays with and gave the others to Goodwill without her knowing. That would be awful!
It was Not Me that got this brand new laptop for Christmas and have been on it pretty much ever since. It was also Not Me that got defensive when my husband brought it to my attention that it is "our" laptop not just mine.
It is Not Me that is making up all kinds of excuses in my head of why I dont want to go in to work today! I have gotten so use to having a day or two off because of the Holidays.
Welcome to the blog world! Your daughter is adorable! And I LOVE McDonald's ice cream cones -I'd do the same thing! No judgments here!
Also, Jack and I spend SO much time on our laptops! On days off, we'll be on them for hours while we watch movies "together" - you just need to get your husband his own!!
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