So it's Monday again! Here is the best therapy there is!! If you want more therapy just visit MckMama's blog over at www.mycharmingkids.net. So here is this weeks my Not Me's!!!
- It was Not Me! that felt completely
somewhatguilty that my husband cleaned our entire house from top to bottom because we have someone coming to look at it & hopefully buy it. - It was Not Me! that fed my daughter chocolate cake at 10:30pm because she didnt get any cake that day and it was her Pa Pa John's Birthday!
- It was Not Me! that I was driving down the road singing a "Country" song and bust out crying at the end of the song...I think it was Kenny Chesney's "There Goes My Life." Why would I cry at a song??
- Since we have our home on the market it was Not Me! that moved a chair completely out of the living room just because I didnt want that chair in the picture.
- Its Not Me! that doesnt want to take a bath because the bathtub looks so clean!!
- It was also Not Me! that went through all of Kaylyn's toys and collected 3 boxes of old toys and then took them to Hannah Home without Kaylyn knowing.
- It was Not Me! that watched 2 hours of Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice last night because I have been so busy throughout the week to watch it.
- It was Not Me that felt really bad tonight when I grabbed Kaylyn's arm to get her attention and I squeezed too tight. What kind of mother would do that?
- It was also Not Me! that met my brother's new girlfriend and it was Not Me that did not like her:)
Great! I really like the one about not liking the brother's girlfriend.
Oh My! I think we've all had that "grabbing the arm" not me moment...... and the chocolate cake, wish I could have been there! I love chocolate cake. The brother's girlfriend, I can really relate to, except it's my sister's boyfriend... Have a greak week!
i didnt like my brothers g-friend either. fortunately, he didnt marry her! i always feel guilty when my husband cleans too...but he gets much less sidetracked than i do! great not mes! have a good monday!
Not to worry~I cry at songs, pack away old toys without my son's knowledge, and veg on the couch catching up on my shows, too!
And thanks for stopping by & commenting on my "not me's." I will look into the Sam's Club photos-thanks!
Good luck with the house sale!! That's a VERY clean bathtub - looks lovely! I grabbed my son's arm the other day - my heart broke when he told me I had hurt him.
lol great list!! too funny about the girlfriend. Your the sister! You Get to feel any way you want!
Your nathtub is beauteous!
Many blessings-
Husbands clean???? you must tell me where you found this man.... Great ones. And ps. we all grab a little hard at least once. It's the ones that don't feel horrible about it that need to.
LOL That was a funny! I love reading everyone's "Not Me Monday" list. How do you do that thing where you cross out what you're typing. I've been trying to figure it out for months! Good luck selling your house:)
I have had the Not me arm grabbing moment. It feels awful after the fact. I too have been trying to figure out how to cross out what was typed. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I got it:) Thanks for your help!
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