Thursday, March 5, 2009

Weigh In

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Does anybody remember when the last time I went to weigh in? To be exact it was on Feb. 12th! I know right? Well I havent been blogging about it but I havent been doing that well on my diet. I keep eating things that I know I shouldnt be and thinking "Oh well I will start over tomorrow!" Thing is I dont start over tomorrow! I have to get a hold of my self and keep going the way I need & want to go! I decided to go to weigh in today because I felt I had probably gained the 4lbs I lost and hopefully that would get me in the right mind set. Well I went to weigh in today and while I was taking my shoes off one of the ladies asked me do I always wear jeans to weigh in? I told her no just today that is what I happened to be in. She told me not to wear jeans because that can alter your actual loss up to 2lbs. Knowing that I weighed in. I lost 1.4lbs. Not bad but not what I wanted...but I know I could have lost more if I would have followed the diet like I was suppose to.

On the up side my mom called and told me that a friend of hers was on Jenny Craig and she ended up doing one of those bariatric surgeries. She was getting rid of all of her food that she has purchased. It was like $800 worth of food. She new that I joined WW and gave me all the food!!! I am so excited. I think that will help me out. I really didnt want to interwine the two diets but I am pretty sure they will have the nutritional info on them so I can calculate up the points. Isnt that awesome?



Congrats on the 1.4 lb loss! YAY!
And, getting all that Jenny Craig food is wonderful!


YAY for weightloss!!
How wonderful to get all the free food!! I'm sure it will help you out alot!

Belle's Blog

Congrats on the loss! Never heard of that kind of food but it must make it easier to measure calories ect that way .


Keep going girl. I hope you are feeling better.

the smiling fat girl

oh, i love free food! yea!! and it's free good-for-you-food; even better!

remember, it's not about the weightloss as much as its about changing your lifestyle, right? that said; congrats on the weightloss especially considering how sick you've been and the stress that adds to a family.

weighing in outfit... yeah, the jeans do add. when I did WW I tried to have one weigh-in outfit that i wore everytime. So, since you've weighed-in in jeans, you could keep wearing them and your weightloss would still be accurate. just don't switch back and forth.

see ya around the blogs,

loosing in 2009

Good for you. If you weren't wearing the jeans, it probably would have been even more of a loss!! Maybe you should try to wear the same type of clothes each time. Like the same weight. Keep up the hard work, it will pay off!!


That is WAY awesome!!!!
And congrats with the weight loss!!! I know it isn't much - but its great with you being sick and all!
AND you didn't GAIN the 4 back!! YAY!! YOU GO GIRL!
BTW- I just joined a gym the other night, so I am in this same boat with you. I'm hoping to do WW soon as well! I had lost 30 lbs and now have gained back 7lbs (since our move and over the holidays) so it's time to get BACK on TRACK for ME!
Let's do THIS!

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