In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. You can play along too. Just be sure to stop by Kailani's
My question this week is:
What kind of cell phone do you have?
I have a Palm Treo 755. However, I do not like it. I cant wait to get another one in October. That is when my contract is up. With my Treo you can sync it up with a computer and back up your data on the phone. Well mine some how got a virus doing that and my phone hasnt really worked well since. Like I said I cant wait to get another one!
Nothing fancy....a Samsung that's about 2 years old!
I have one from Verizon.
My "new" cell phone cracked thanks to the cold. They wanted to charge me $50 to replace it. Since we are up for new ones during the summer I took my older one and am using it again. Not worth taking a new cell phone to Disney World.
We don't own cell phones :)
I have the "Blitz" from Verizon....Can't wait for a new one either :o)
I have a motorola razor that's about 2 yrs old & I love that it's a flip.
i have a centro. treos are evil. i hate being this connected to the office. i'm like pavlov's dogs - every time the stupid thing buzzes, i jump and check my email.
I have an old school cell phone - I think it is a samsung.. the words have rubbed off from all of its years of usage...
I have an iPhone!
I have an iPhone. I really like all the features but I sure do get a lot of dropped calls!
A MOTOROLA flip phone.
lg rumor that i would absolutely like to throw out the window. :)
I have the bottom of the line pay as you go phone. I only really use it in case of emergencies. Like... calling my husband to find out if he wants me to pick up lunch meat at the store. :P
a blackberry pearl
Last summer I dropped my verizon phone in a tall glass of water in my car - really!! It died - replaced with a red cingular flip phone - I do have online capabilities, but not email like a blackberry.
I have a cheap one! LOL. I REALLY want to upgrade to the Blackberry Pearl -oooooohlala!
I have the one with the 3 mega pixel camera, I think it's a samsung, it's pretty basic.
Blackberry Storm =)
ok weird, this JUST posted on my dashboard 20 min. ago! Hmmmm
I have a sony ericcson magenta flip phone. Its pretty.
i have a motoq...i'm ready for a switcharoo too...thanks for visiting last week!
I just have a cheap LG.
I have an LG Voyager, and I love it so far!
I have a Blackberry Curve.
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