I have pretty much decided that I wont be going back to the gym...I know, I know. I am not giving up though. You see I really dont have the time because of my work schedule as well as my hubby's work schedule. But I really think I could do something if I could do it at home! So today I found a Wii Fit at Sams for like $78.00...I thought that was a deal so I bought it! Hopefully I can get it hooked up tonight (my hubby is sick) and let you know what I think about it. I am so excited about it! Hope everyone is having a great night!
Cool, keep us posted. =)
Wow! I have secretly been wanting one of those for a while now. Let me know if you like it.
Awesome! I can't wait to hear how you like it because we JUST got a Wii last weekend and one of those is next on our list!
I haven't been on mine in a while (you saw that post on my blog!) but I do love it!
My absolute fave was/is step aerobics. It doesn't burn a ton at first, but I'm so competitive with myself that I keep going until I get a perfect score (or close to it). Then you can feel the burn.
I actually lost 6 lbs in a few weeks last summer with just the Wii Fit, then we moved again and I fell off the wagon.
Have fun!
Let me know how you like it; I have been debating getting one myself. Good luck!
I have been wanting one of these as well so let us know how it turns out! I have the Wii but the Wii fit is always sold out when I am at the store...Didn't think to check at Sam's...May have to take a drive over there this weekend haha!
Oh WOW!!! That is GREAT. Those are so much fun. My Best Friend has one and we've worked out on the hoola hoops before & let me tell ya, my hips were sore for days!!!!!
I'm so excited for you! Have fun with your new Wii Fit.
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