This is Kaylyn's pic that was taken this morning. Today is picture day along with cap & gown day. My baby is graduating preschool next month. Anyway I told the hubby to dress her cute. I have to say for a man he always dresses her very well. Too bad he cant get a better picture though lol!
Very cute! He did a good job. My daughter is getting spring pictures taken today, too...that's so odd.
Your girl is so cute!!! :)
She is adorable! I think she and my little one would have great fun together!
He did do a great job!!
I don't know about you, but days like this are always bittersweet to me. You know you'll never get these days back, but are so proud of what they can do. She looks so sweet. Her Daddy did good.
thanks.Yep. I love to play with saturation and contrast!
Since it was such a beautiful day I didn't do much to these though.
She is adorable :)
My husband wouldn't know how to dress our daughter. He once put her in PJ bottoms and a regular shirt.
What a cutie! I love how she's pulling on the sides of her dress like she's about to curtsy. :)
Very cute, did he do her hair too? My husband has no idea how to work a scrunchy.
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