It's Friday...my favorite day! Kailani at An Island Life created Aloha Friday in hopes of taking it easy on the blogging, as they take it easy on Friday in Hawaii. All you have to do is answer the question with a simple answer. If you want to play along, you just head over to Kailani's blog, link to Mr. Linky, and answer her question...then do the same on your blog. Great way to make new BF (Blog Friends).
My question this week is: Is there a thought that you think of every day (or week) at the very same time every day (or week)?
Every day when I come into the office I am always the first one here. So I get the privaledge of turning off two different alarms. I get 60 seconds to turn each one off and they have to be done the second I walk in the door. The keypad is right by the door and as soon as the door opens it starts buzzing. The buzzing makes me so nervous and I have to type in *&%$ to the keypad. Everday when I am punching in my code I think about my code not working or me messing up and setting the alarm off. I have set the alarm off numerous times!!
Every Sunday night about eight o'clock I think D@$N it! Where did my weekend go? I hope you have a great weekend!
Every night before I fall asleep, I always think about death. Not sure why. Try to understand it, and life and how lucky I am to be living today with family who love me.
Every morning I wake up, I think immediately about what to fix for breakfast. lol
My Aloha Friday
Every Monday morning when I wake up I think "UGH it's Monday!" I am NOT a fan of Mondays!
I always think "I just want 30 more minutes" every day at 6:20 a.m.!
Every Friday I think about how great a Friday at work (office) feels.
I would say I night I think to myself is my little one going to sleep through the night.
Have a great Friday.
I am up every morning around 6 am to walk our dog, Charley.
I need to know...how to put in a link that is a name? I put in a link on yesterday's blog, but the link was actually the name of the link. Does that make sense?
And, I haven't figured out Mr. Linky...how does that work?
That's a hard Friday question by the way...
Monday - Friday my thought is, Crap! I've gotta get the kids up. Hope Hanae isn't a bear.
every night when hubby's alarm goes off i think "DAMN IT! I am NOT going to listen you hit snooze for an entire hour before you get out of bed today"
yes when I wake up I think "Im hungry"
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