Ugh, I woke up feeling awful. I did not want to get up or go to work. But I did. No I will tell you up front it's not the Swine Flu...I never thought it was. So I go on into work. Once I got there I had a hard time concentrating on work so I ended up watching a Brother's & Sister's episode online that I missed last Sunday. I went ahead and made a dr's appt for this afternoon. I did some work stuff here & there but counted down the time until my appt. It finally came and I was so happy because I knew that I would go back to work since my appt was at 1. It got and was called on back. I sat back there for what it felt like forever. Finally at 1:45 the doctor came in. She did all the checks (look in my ears, nose & throat) and delcared I had a double ear infection along with a sinus infection. The drainage from my sinuses caused the pressure to build up in my ears whiched then caused the ear infection. I was given 2 shots in the "bottom" and sent on my way. Needless to say I will be retiring early tonight.
Serenity is having a rough day...hope over to her blog and cheer her up!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
More Awards!
Ace gave me this award...and yes like her I might be getting the big head! I am getting awards right & left. I feel so special. I am sorry it has taken me so long to get these awards up. But here they are! I hate to say but I am taking the easy way out on this one and I am passing them on to everyone that reads my blog! Enjoy!

Serenity also gave me this award that she made. Isnt it awesome! I love that girl!

Serenity also gave me this award that she made. Isnt it awesome! I love that girl!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Burnt Out
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I am so burnt out on working! All I want to do is sleep late a couple of morning's and be able to do what I need to do during the day so that I dont have to do it on my lunch or after work. Does that sound lazy? I want to spend time with Kaylyn. She is very much going through a phase where she does not want to leave my side. At first I somewhat found it annoying but now I see that she really wants to spend time with me and I dont have enough time to spend with her. For example last night I got it a little after 8. She had already had her bath and was watching a movie. She asked if I wanted to play the Wii with her. I told her no that "Mommy is too tired." I fixed a small pizza for my supper and then before I knew it, it was 9 and time for her to go to bed. As I am putting her to bed I am feeling so guily that I didnt spend anytime with her and at the same time all I want is to go to bed. After she is in bed, I go clean the kitchen, check the blog world, take a shower and then I am in bed by 10:30 only to be back up by 5.
I want to spend time with my husband. Even last night we really didnt talk. He watched TV as I finished cleaning the kitchen and then after my shower when I go to get in bed he is already asleep ( he has no problem what so ever sleeping lol). I really just feel that I am not giving my family all the time they deserve. I am not saying anything about working moms, but I just dont want to be one of those mom's who never sees her kids. I want my family to know they are my first priority and how much I love them.
I am really hoping that my job with Mary Kay takes off. I would love to only do that out of my home. That way I can still be with Kaylyn but still have (hopefully) a steady income. Please pray that if this is God's will that this will happen.
Also, I have told some of my BF's but I dont know if I have posted it. I am sure you know that we just got back from the beach and we absolutely loved it. It was beautiful down there and I can completely look over the tourists. Well it just so happens there is a chance that we could move down there. We were visiting a manager friend of Kevin's that use to work here with Keving but was then transferred to the Wal-mart in Panama City. Well he has called Kevin with a job offer and I am not sure we are going to pass it up. However, I am really praying about this. Some things are clicking in my head about this whole thing. I am thinking maybe this is why our house hasnt sold yet. If it had we would have already to buy another one and if we were to move we would now have to sell it. Maybe this is God's least this is what I am hoping. I know it will be hard to leave my parents & Kevin's parents but this is a better job opportunity for Kevin and I really dont know if we can pass it up. Please pray about this as well...pray that God would give me a sign about this. Do I need to suck it up & stay here or step out on faith and move away from all I know? All of your prayers are greatly appreciated!
I want to spend time with my husband. Even last night we really didnt talk. He watched TV as I finished cleaning the kitchen and then after my shower when I go to get in bed he is already asleep ( he has no problem what so ever sleeping lol). I really just feel that I am not giving my family all the time they deserve. I am not saying anything about working moms, but I just dont want to be one of those mom's who never sees her kids. I want my family to know they are my first priority and how much I love them.
I am really hoping that my job with Mary Kay takes off. I would love to only do that out of my home. That way I can still be with Kaylyn but still have (hopefully) a steady income. Please pray that if this is God's will that this will happen.
Also, I have told some of my BF's but I dont know if I have posted it. I am sure you know that we just got back from the beach and we absolutely loved it. It was beautiful down there and I can completely look over the tourists. Well it just so happens there is a chance that we could move down there. We were visiting a manager friend of Kevin's that use to work here with Keving but was then transferred to the Wal-mart in Panama City. Well he has called Kevin with a job offer and I am not sure we are going to pass it up. However, I am really praying about this. Some things are clicking in my head about this whole thing. I am thinking maybe this is why our house hasnt sold yet. If it had we would have already to buy another one and if we were to move we would now have to sell it. Maybe this is God's least this is what I am hoping. I know it will be hard to leave my parents & Kevin's parents but this is a better job opportunity for Kevin and I really dont know if we can pass it up. Please pray about this as well...pray that God would give me a sign about this. Do I need to suck it up & stay here or step out on faith and move away from all I know? All of your prayers are greatly appreciated!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I cant sleep
Sunday, April 26, 2009
There is something about Sunday nights that I cant sleep. Cant figure it out. I think it's because the hubby works Sunday nights so I am usually all by myself. And I HATE that! I have been up since 7 this morning and I have to be up at 5 in the morning which is in 5 and 1/2 hours! I know I will be very tired tomorrow. Plus I have a Mary Kay meeting tomorrow at 6 so I wont be home until at least close to 9. I am not really looking forward to tomorrow. Ugh! I am off to TRY and go to sleep! Good night everyone!
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Hope you have a wonderful week!
MIA...blame it on Mary Kay
Yes, I have been MIA lately. Sorry about that. Some may know that I recently joined the Mary Kay band wagon. I originally got into it because of the money. I am really looking for something where I can work at home. I think this will be a great starting point and hopefully it will grow into a great business. My hopes is that this will grow and eventually I can become a stay at home mom. Please pray for that...this is something I have always wanted but we heavily depend on my income. Mary Kay focuses first & foremost on God and then family. I really believe I can do the Mary Kay business while spending a lot of quality time with my family.
But like I said I originally got into it because of the money. But last night I had a meeting with some other Mary Kay consultants and had a blast. We did facials and makeovers. The facials were awesome. My skin felt wonderful and very soft. I was amazed at the way my skin felt afterwards. Then we put on the make up and wow! I normally am not a big make up person...I dont wear alot and I always were the cheap stuff. But it went on great and I didnt feel like I had on make up at all. So now I am in it for the money & the awesome products.
I am not going to sell you on it but if you are interested feel free to check out my website at I would be happy to order you anything and the shipping is on me. I will however, be starting a blog about me selling Mary Kay. It will mainly talk about all the different products and probably reviews on them. I dont expect anyone to buy but once I get it up and running I would love for you to follow it in hoped that other people see you following it and will do the same. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks I will probably be doing a giveaway of some Mary Kay products. So be on the look out!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
But like I said I originally got into it because of the money. But last night I had a meeting with some other Mary Kay consultants and had a blast. We did facials and makeovers. The facials were awesome. My skin felt wonderful and very soft. I was amazed at the way my skin felt afterwards. Then we put on the make up and wow! I normally am not a big make up person...I dont wear alot and I always were the cheap stuff. But it went on great and I didnt feel like I had on make up at all. So now I am in it for the money & the awesome products.
I am not going to sell you on it but if you are interested feel free to check out my website at I would be happy to order you anything and the shipping is on me. I will however, be starting a blog about me selling Mary Kay. It will mainly talk about all the different products and probably reviews on them. I dont expect anyone to buy but once I get it up and running I would love for you to follow it in hoped that other people see you following it and will do the same. Hopefully within the next couple of weeks I will probably be doing a giveaway of some Mary Kay products. So be on the look out!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!
I've Been Tagged!
Serenity tagged me! Thanks girl! Here we go!
Here's the rules--mention the person that tagged you.
Complete the lists of 8's.
Tag 8 of your wonderful blogger friends.
Go tell them you tagged them!
8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
1. Getting my Mary Kay business off the ground!
2. School to be over
3. Going back to the beach!
4. Being financially stable!
5. The weekend (well next weekend since this is almost over)
6. Paying off some bills!
7. Hot summers!
8. Being pregnant!
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Worked
2. Blog Stalked
3. Mary Kay meeting
4. Margarita with a friend
5. went by starbucks
6. showered
7. watched the movie "Wanted"
8. Slept
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Be on the at the beach!
2. Go to Hawaii
3. make more money
4. buy a new house
5. pay off some of my bills
6. lose weight
7. get pregnant
8. meet some of my blog friends!
8 Shows I Watch:
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Private Practive
4. Brother's & Sister's
5. Law & Order SVU
6. Big Brother
7. American Idol
8. Hell's Kitchen
Look below to see who I tagged:)
The Fat Girl Smiles
Whispering Writer
Sneaky Momma
The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful
The Masked Mommy
New State-New Journey
Me & You Plus Two
Maya and Odessa
Here's the rules--mention the person that tagged you.
Complete the lists of 8's.
Tag 8 of your wonderful blogger friends.
Go tell them you tagged them!
8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
1. Getting my Mary Kay business off the ground!
2. School to be over
3. Going back to the beach!
4. Being financially stable!
5. The weekend (well next weekend since this is almost over)
6. Paying off some bills!
7. Hot summers!
8. Being pregnant!
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Worked
2. Blog Stalked
3. Mary Kay meeting
4. Margarita with a friend
5. went by starbucks
6. showered
7. watched the movie "Wanted"
8. Slept
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Be on the at the beach!
2. Go to Hawaii
3. make more money
4. buy a new house
5. pay off some of my bills
6. lose weight
7. get pregnant
8. meet some of my blog friends!
8 Shows I Watch:
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Private Practive
4. Brother's & Sister's
5. Law & Order SVU
6. Big Brother
7. American Idol
8. Hell's Kitchen
Look below to see who I tagged:)
The Fat Girl Smiles
Whispering Writer
Sneaky Momma
The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful
The Masked Mommy
New State-New Journey
Me & You Plus Two
Maya and Odessa
Friday, April 24, 2009
Go Ask Sadie
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sadie is having an awesome giveaway going on until this Monday! Yes that is in 3 days so you dont have long to enter! So go check her out!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Here a Chick, there a Chick...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
After the Art show (here) and the Gymnastics show (here) we went down to my parents. We havent seen then since before we left for the beach. Well my dad informs me that he has a little surprise for Kaylyn. She has been begging him to get her a he did. He got her 2 little chicks that he is keeping in a pet carrier with food & water and a light bulb for heat. Kaylyn thought it was the coolest thing ever! She named the brown chick Ariel (can you tell what Disney movie is her favorite right now?) and the black one Elayna (not sure where this came from).

Sorry about the cage view but we couldnt keep it open because they wanted out! But arent they cute? However, they are staying at my parents house because I am not adding anything else to worry about right now lol!
Papa John (my dad) telling Kaylyn about her surprise
Ariel & Elayna
Gymnastics Show
After the Art Show (see this post) they had a little gymnastics show just to update the parents on what all the girls can do. I was somewhat impressed but I think Kaylyn gets bored because she is a little more advanced...but she had a ball. Here are some of the pics I took. Kaylyn has her big Gymnastics Exibition on May 2.

Art Show
Kaylyn has an art show this Tuesday. This is where her class at school displays all the art that she has done over the year. Of course it is just adorable. I took some pics for the blog so I hope they come out well. They are below.

Each hand is a students and on each finger is written by the student some words they are able to spell/recognize.

Farming was the topic of the week
Each hand is a students and on each finger is written by the student some words they are able to spell/recognize.
Monday, April 20, 2009
For Serenity
Monday, April 20, 2009
Dear Serenity,
This is your BF Alicia and I wanted to let you know how much you mean to me! I talk to you at least once every day and I look forward to our conversations. Whether its about the weather or about our life in general. I want you to know that I dont know what you are going through but do know I am here for you. I do not know you in "real" life but I feel so close to you in this blogosphere. I am here for you as well are a bunch of our other BF's.
While in Panama City I was driving down the road thinking of you. Up ahead was this very pretty sign and the color caught my eye. It was a very pretty blue. As I got closer I realized what it said:
Serenity...what a pretty name. In my mind it was a sign to ME saying you would be ok. Of course I didnt have my camera on me and my cell phone doesnt take great pics. On the way out today I made Kevin stop in the middle of the road and I took the picture. I had to take it several times because the inconsiderate people couldnt see that I was trying to take a picture in the middle of the road and kept zooming by!! The least they could have done is stop!
Serenity, you will be ok. Just a few more days until your appt. We will be here with you!
Your BF,
This is your BF Alicia and I wanted to let you know how much you mean to me! I talk to you at least once every day and I look forward to our conversations. Whether its about the weather or about our life in general. I want you to know that I dont know what you are going through but do know I am here for you. I do not know you in "real" life but I feel so close to you in this blogosphere. I am here for you as well are a bunch of our other BF's.
While in Panama City I was driving down the road thinking of you. Up ahead was this very pretty sign and the color caught my eye. It was a very pretty blue. As I got closer I realized what it said:
Serenity, you will be ok. Just a few more days until your appt. We will be here with you!
Your BF,
Beach Fun
Yesterday was our last full day there and even though it was a very cloudy day we went to the beach. We (I know I did) had a really good time. I kept my t-shirt & shorts on because I was already burnt and I have always heard you can still get burnt on a cloudy day! Against my better judgement I will post a pic of me & Kaylyn. The water wasnt that bad once you really got wet. So Kaylyn and I stood there and let the waves hit us. She really liked that so I would hold her hand and let the wave hit us. 9 times out of 10 the wave would knock her down. We then looked for seashells and even spelled our name in the sand.

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