Monday, July 13, 2009

Friend Making Monday-Favorites

Monday, July 13, 2009

Juls did a post this morning on Friend Makin Monday so I thought I would join in. Mamarazzi is hosting it this week. Hop on over to link up with her!

This week we are to share 5-10 of your favorite things...

1. Milo's Sweet Tea is something that I really dont think I can live without...pathetic isnt it?
2. The DVR...the best invention in the world. I got this from Juls too!
3. My two favorite shows right now...there are quite a few more but the rest start in August.

4. Love Mary Kay products...that is why I am selling them here.

5. My computer...I cant live without it either!

Hope you have a great Monday!




I love big brother.


oo great list! I just tried sweet tea again for the first (I never liked it as a kid) and I am in love. We however don't have that brand to try out :-)


I can't live without my laptop either.

The Sweet Life

Sweet tea and DVR are great things!! I forgot to mention those on my list, but they are definitely top 10 material!!

Bitter Sweet Moments

Great List!! The DVR is the best thing ever:) Happy FMM!!


I am a big fan of sweet tea too!

Christie in Dallas, TX

Sweet Tea is the best!


I love my DVR and don't know what I'd do without it!

Chrissy Thomas

How could I possibly have forgotten DVR and sweet tea?! Great list and thanks for stopping by!

I am following you now =)

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