Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I will be back!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hey Everyone! Jill over at Sneaky Momma hosts a Secret Sneaky Friend spotlight every Tuesday...and it's ME this week! Yup! Me! Head on over to her blog to check me out!

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He & Me + 3

It was so nice to meet you over at Jill's today. YOu are too funny. YOur little girl in the bathroom was hilarious. WE have been there too.


SUPER neat!

Sneaky Momma

I busted a gut laughing at the shopping experience!!! Poor momma! Sounds like something my little one would do. :)

Thank you so much for being a guest on my blog! :)

Jane Anne

I had fun reading your post at Sneaky Momma's. Your embarrassing moments got me. I would have been so mortified if I had called 911. It was fun getting introduced to you. Now I am going to look around your blog.

(Oh, and I love meeting an Alabama girl! I live in the NW now but I went to the University of Alabama. You are a Tide fan, right?!!)


Just came over from Sneaky Momma...that walmart story was hilarious! I would have been mortified too! I'm always moderately concerned about what my kids might say aloud when we go out! lol.
Oh, and I hope you're *not* a Tide fan...War Eagle! lol


Hi! I'm an author at Chic Chat and found you there. Thanks for subscribing.

Off to check out that link! :)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged

I was wondering where you were!

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