Anyway, I was finally called back and I gave all my symptoms (fever, sore throat, body aches, stuffy nose) and then they decided to swab my nose. Man I cant stand it when things like that go up my nose! I felt like she was scratching my brain! My eyes started watering and I started sneezing. She said I wasnt showing any flu strains but since I had waiting a couple of days before I came in so it could have been. However, I did also have a double ear infection and sinus drainage. So in the end I got a antibiotic and steroid shot in my rear!
Because of these 2 shots I feel pretty good now! I had all intentions of coming home and taking a nap, but that fell through because I couldnt settle down. The steroid has me all pumped up...come to think of it I should have taken advantage of it and cleaned my house...but I didnt! However, I am very tired so I will probably go to bed early tonight!

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