Yup! It's that time again! It's Not Me Monday! So here is what I have NOT been doing the last week! After you my Not Me's dont forget to head over to MckMama's Blog and see what her and everyone else has NOT done lately!
I was NOT sick all last weekend with a double ear infection plus a sinus infection! I did NOT have a fever of 103 during the night that I shivered so much that my body was NOT aching! I was NOT so cold that night that I slept in a hoodie and a pair of jeans along with 2 blankets! I was NOT that cold!
It was NOT me who decided to go and get my hair washed & cut because I was NOT sick all weekend and hadnt washed it in over 3 days! I would NOT pay someone to wash & cut my hair just because I didnt want to wash my hair myself! I am NOT that lazy!
Kaylyn did NOT have a school carnival last Friday and have to bring a baked good for the carnival. I did NOT try to be Betty Crocker and cook up something good! We did NOT make Rice Krispy Treats and they did NOT turn out so good...so good that I did NOT end up making another batch the next morning for the carnival because we did NOT eat so many of the first batch.
Well that is it for me this week! Please tell me what you did NOT do this past week?

I always used to love getting my hair washed at a salon. It was like a head massage and so relaxing!
oh i would probably have to wash my hair before i went in if i hadn't washed it in three days. mine tends to get really greasy!
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