I actually had an ok weekend. Kaylyn started school on Thursday and she loves it. I just hope that lasts lol! For Saturday we had a birthday party for my cousin that turned 1 this week. But before the Birthday party we went to breakfast with my parents at Waffle House. I was excited because Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day even though I skip it alot! I know...breakfast is the most important meal...but I never have time.
Well I have mentioned before Kaylyn is a very picky eater. So Waffle House was not even a choice for her. However, I am determined to get her eating right whether she LIKES it or NOT! So the second we drove up to Waffle House she starts whining and crying. She wants McDonald's...well I wasnt about to give in. So I took her in there and yes everybody looked at us because she was still crying (not too loud but loud enough). I ignored her. The waitress came up we all ordered and then asked her what she wanted and she cried louder. So I told the waitress nothing for her. She had a drink and that was all she wanted. She was still wimpering and whining some but I continued to ignore her and talked with my parents. Soon our food arrived and Kaylyn announced she would try a waffle. So we ordered one. She didnt touch it! Then she wanted a biscuit...she didnt touch it either. I was beyond furious with her and her eating habits.
By the time we left she seemed to have calmed down. In my head I contemplated on taking her to the Birthday party. There would be other kids there but I knew she wouldnt eat anything there either. In the end we went. I was right...there was pizza that she didnt want. She was the only kid not eating...and I admit it drove me crazy. Why wont my child eat? Its not like I am shoving vegetables down her throat...no I just want her to eat something normal like Mac & Cheese or Pizza!
Now I will admit this is all my
husbands fault because when she was a toddler anything that she didnt like she would gag until it came back up. So in the end we gave up on trying to get her to eat other things. To this day when she tries something she will pitch this big fit until she literally makes herself sick and throws everything back up. We got tired of cleaning it up so we stopped making her try things.
Anyway, she did eat some cake but that was it. Then when the party was over I went to the inside jungle gym that the kids were playing at and told her it was time to leave. She didnt want to hear none of that she was STILL playing. The third time I asked her to come down and she refused so I climbed my fat a$$ up in there and literally drug her out by one of her legs. She then refused to put her shoes on so I handed her shoes to my mom (who thankfully was with me to witness this!) and I picked her up and carried her kicking and screaming to the car!
I was so mad by the time I got in the car that I refused to say anything because I didnt want to say anything I was going to regret. Kaylyn for the most part is an only child who is spoiled beyond her means. It seems that my MIL, my father and me are the only ones that ever discipline her. But when it comes do my FIL, my husband and my mother she gets away with everything. It has come to where I have put my foot down this weekend when it comes to Kaylyn. I love my daughter more than anything but the time has come where she has been de-throned! I AM now the Queen and what I say GOES!
She didnt like this too much but I dont care. I always said that I would not have a child that acts that way and look what I got! So my plan for the upcoming weeks is that I am going to be much firmer with her than what she is use to, she will be staying at home with me because when she is my parents or Kevin's parents she rules the roost there. Plus she will be eating new things...I hate to be a biatch when it comes to this but this is what my dad use to do to us and it worked so I am now implementing it in my house...whether Kevin likes it or not! I will serve 1 meal at night and if she doesnt eat it she will go to bed hungry! Hopefully this help some of her eating habits...
So tell me do you have picky eaters? What do you do to get around their pickiness?
***Sorry this post was intended for my weekend but as you can see it changed. All in all though my weekend wasnt too bad!