Today’s topic is “6 ways your children tested you this week.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .
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My Six this week:
- Kaylyn got a note sent home 3 out of 4 days this week. It seems that she just "has" to talk...all the time.
- Kaylyn said a$$ the other day. Not to me directly but I overheard her when she was playing a game...she is very competitive.
- I asked Kaylyn to pick her room and to make sure everything is off her floor. When I walk back in everything is literally up off of the floor...and on top of the bed!
- When Kaylyn asks to do something and I tell her not right now she comes back every two minutes and keeps asking! Drives me nuts!
- I put Kaylyn in the bathtub the other night and went to put a load of laundry on. When I came back my bathroom floor was pretty much flooded and of course she doesnt know how the water got "out" of the tub and onto the floor!
- Since Kaylyn is six you would think she could drink out of a normal cup...well she cant. I have been putting things back into sippie cups because I have cleaned up at least 4 spills this week alone.

We are having the same problems with bad words at our house. I made a "Pottymouth Jar" for Daddy since it's him they are repeating all the time. http://the-zookeeper-ramblings.blogspot.com/2010/01/pottymouth.html
We also have the bathroom flooding issues so I feel your pain on that too.
My kids were talkers too. But they never had too much to say when I asked why they did something. Grumble.
My kids were (and still are) talkers! When Kait was in kindergarten she got a paddling every week. Lol.
Your blog looks great by the way!
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