Yes, my friends! It's that time again! It's Not Me Monday! So here is what I have NOT been doing the last week! After you read my Not Me's dont forget to head over to MckMama's Blog and see what her and everyone else have NOT been doing lately!
- I did NOT leave my hair straightner on for over 14 hrs! I did NOT turn it on Friday night as I was getting dressed to go out and obviously left it on and then find it still on around 11 am on Saturday morning! I am a very responsible person and know to turn off anything hot like that!
- My husband did NOT cut open his hand at work the other day and didnt think it was serious. He was given the chance by his work to go and get stitches but he declined. I did NOT tell him he could lay in the floor and bleed to death before I took him to the ER to pay a $100 copay there when it would have been free (to us) if he would have claimed workman's comp. I am a loving wife and would never tell my husband that!
- I did NOT sleep till 11 am on Saturday morning!
- I did NOT throw up my hands at Kaylyn when she brought home her 3rd note in 1 week. I did NOT tell her I give up on getting her to behave in school and stop talking so much. I would never say anything like that because I am a good mom!

Liking the new layout!
I would never tell my hubby the same thing!
Cute layout.
- Lisa
I never would do anything like that either,lol.
I did not forget about making dinner Sunday night...
This is a great layout. Thanks for jumping the hop this week. I'm following you.
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