Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy Blogiversary!

Thursday, January 7, 2010
I completely forgot to post this but my Blogiversary was on 1/3! So Happy Blogivesary to me! I cant believe its been a year since I started my blog! I have made some great friends through my blog and I am really grateful for them all. Thanks everyone! I hope everyone has a great year!



YAY! Happy Blogiversary!!! Mine's next month and I'm actually very excited about it!


PS. I hope you got more snow than us... which is NOTHING. I'm so ticked that the kids are home today now.

Furry Bottoms

Happy Blogiversary!!!! :) :) :) And yes, I like your new profile!! LOL


Happy Blogiversary! I totally forgot mine until someone left a comment and then I realized holy cow! I missed it! :o)

Have a great day!

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