Have you heard of Silly Bands? I havent until recently. Apparently it's the newest crave at Kaylyn's school! It seems the teachers are giving them out for good behavior, grades, and good doings! They are stretchy bracelets that are shaped like animals and there are some that are in Christmas shapes like a tree & stocking. You know they remind me of the jelly bracelets we use wear when I was a little girl! Do you remember those? Anyways, I think I am going to get some for Kaylyn to go in her stocking for Christmas.

I remember snap bracelets. I had bunch of those. Those silly bands look pretty cool. :)
I was seriously going to post about those today too! Lmbo! They are all the rage in our neck of the woods too! Both of my girls had to have some. I can't figure out what the fuss is about though. Kids are strange.
I had lots of snap bracelets too! How funny, I forgot about that!
my kids got some of those at a Christmas party the other night. I had never seen them!
I had a bunch of those jelly bands!! Black and all Madonna'like. And do you remember those shoes? the plastic shoes???
They are all the craze here in Gadsden too, even for the high schoolers, lol! I have heard of some of the schools actually banning them bc of all the chaos they were causing with trading and fighting. We had to search for sea creatures, but no fear, we found them! =)
pie is good
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