Yes, my friends! It's that time again! It's Not Me Monday! So here is what I have NOT been doing the last week! After you read my Not Me's dont forget to head over to MckMama's Blog and see what her and everyone else have NOT been doing lately!
- Like everyone else, I did NOT eat too much over the weekend! I am NOT counting down the days (4 days) until I do NOT start my New Year's diet!
- We did NOT have the best Christmas! It was NOT busy at all.
- I did NOT cry like a baby when I hit my knee on Kaylyn's bed. I am NOT a baby and have better things to cry about!
- Kaylyn and I were NOT making Gingerbread cookies the other night and the dough wasnt very doughy so I did NOT throw that batch away and make more!
- Oakley the Magic Elf did NOT return to the North Pole with Santa on Christmas Eve.

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