Yes, my mother ran over a deer...its pretty catchy if you sing it to the tune of "Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer." Come on you know you want to sing it! I am ! Anyway, last night on her way home right around 5 she was going about 65 (in a 45) and out hops this deer. She hit it in mid gallop. It happened so fast that she didnt even have time to react. So she hit it. It has completely messed up her car. I am surprised she was able to drive it home, but she did. Her front end is messed up including the headlights as well as the driver front fender. Since her fender is messed up it wont allow the driver door to open so she had to crawl out of the passenger side lol! However, I am very, very thankful that she is ok. She was a little shaken up about it especially since it happened so fast. I pointed out that she was very lucky that the deer didnt roll up on top of her hood and come through the windshield...especially since it weighed 200lbs!
How do I know it weighed 200lbs you ask? Well when my dad and brother got home from work and found out she was ok they went to look for the deer. Yes, they did! They found it too! So they brought it home and took some pics of it for the insurance company as well as the car. Then they took the deer to the meat processor and had it weighed. 200lbs on the dot. Then they paid to have the meat processed or whatever it is they do and donated all of the meat to our local Soup Kitchen. I thought that was kind of nice of them. Below are some pics that we took...

The deer WAS a 10pt deer...however, she knocked one side of his horns off.

She broke his hind legs.

Frontend completely smashed up...including the headlights.

Still a little bit of deer fur in the hood.

This angle shows how much the hood bowed up.
This was an experience for her but like I said I am so thankful that it wasnt worse.
I've always been so afraid I'd hit a deer. Not yet!
That's cool that they're donating the meat. Kind of makes me nauseous to say! (only because I'm not feeling well in the first place)
Yikes! I was behind a guy a couple weeks ago that hit one but it jumped to get over the car and landed on the windshield. The poor guy was shaking and in shock I think, but he was ok. Glad your mom is alright!!!!!
Between my hubs and I, we have hit 4 deer. It is such a fun experience, isn't it? I can't saw we've ever wieghed them though...!
Bad experience for your mom really bad experience for the deer. Yes, thank goodness your mom did not get hurt. Hopefully her nerves will return to normal at some time.
OH, the poor deer and your mother, too. Luckily, knock on wood, this has not happened to me. I would totally freak out.
Thanks for stopping by and reading my post-it notes today. I'm your newest blog follower.
OMG! I'm glad your mom was okay. I also couldn't believe the deer didn't hit your mom with the other part of the horn!
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