Thursday, December 31, 2009

Small Talk Six

Thursday, December 31, 2009

So I have joined in on a new Meme and seems to be really fun! I hope you will join in with me. Go here to get the list of Meme's and to link up!

This week's topic is 6 ways you have decided to change your life in 2010. Here are my six:
  1. Along with everyone else I have decided to lose weight...not just for my appearance but for my health. I am short and overweight so diabetes is just calling my name...not to mention it runs in the family. I however do not want it!
  2. I want to spiritually grow in the Lord. I have always gone to church and had an on/off relationship with God, but I want that constant bond with Him.
  3. Patience is a virtue...that I dont have. I have a tendency to fly off the handle over the littlest things. I want a more healthier outlook on life and the way I handle things.
  4. Not only do I want to lose weight, I want to exercise on a regular basis. For a while now I have wanted to start running...maybe this is the year!
  5. I want to grow my Mary Kay business. I would love to be financially stable by the end of 2010 from my business.
  6. For my personal use...I want to become more tech savvy. I would love to understand blog designs and how to do it as well as domains and that sort of thing. I am doing good to connect to the I need to know what is out there lol!
You can write your own Small Talk Six post and link up to it at MomDot or leave me a comment. Have fun and have a great Saturday!



Furry Bottoms

Those are good things to look forward to! :)

Maude Lynn

Great goals!


Great list! I took a different tack and decided to do the "things I am NOT changing in 2010" since I had already blogged about resolutions and such. :)

Daenel T.

Great list. I'm with you on all of them. Here's to success!

Adaptable Kay

Great goals!!
I wish you luck in 2010 :)

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