We had Christmas with my parents on Christmas Eve. My brother has a long distance girl friend and he was going to spend Christmas morning with her family. Kaylyn got a bunch of good presents from my parents and my brother. Justin (my brother) got her a Nintendo DSI that has a camera, plays music, and connects wirelessly to the Internet. It's pretty neat. From my parents she got some My Little Pony stuff, a Baby Alive, a Little Mermaid doll, some Wii games and game for the DSI. I do believe she got everything she asked for! Here are some pics from that night.
Justin and Kaylyn before opening presents

Kaylyn opening one of her many presents!

Getting ready to open her DSI

Not the best side of my mom lol!

Nina opening Kaylyn's Baby Alive

After we left my parents house we got home just in time to see Santa on the firetruck. I was really impressed with the Fire Dept this year. Not only did one dress up as Santa and ride around on the firetruck but he actually got down from the truck and interacted with the kids. Here is a pic of him and Kaylyn. Please note it was very windy that night...
Kaylyn looks SO happy!
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