For those who follow me on twitter already know about my SIL but I wanted to blog about it too. Please be in prayer for my SIL. Her and her 15 year old son were on their way to church this morning when one of their tires blew out and she over corrected her vehicle. This caused her to flip 5-6 times and land on her (driver's) side on the guardrail. Her injuries were extensive so they air-lifted her to the hospital and took her son with them. However, her son walked away miraculously with some cuts and scrapes and that is it. My SIL was not that lucky. Both of her legs are broken in multiple places, one of her wrist are broken, and she was bleeding internally. The doctors couldnt figure where she was bleeding at so they had to do an emergency exploratory surgery. They ended up removing her spleen and fixing some lacerations on her small & large intestines. They put a filter in her heart in hopes of it would stop a blood clot if it went to her heart. They are keeping her sedated and she in on a ventilator. She is in critical condition.
This is the one thing I hate about living so far away from family...even if it is Kevin's family. This is Kevin's brother's wife. I just feel so helpless. We are 13 hours away so it would take us a while to get there anyway. For now we have decided not to go but if things get worse we might be making a trip down to Miami. I really hate this especially since its so close to Christmas. If she makes it there is no doubt she has a long road ahead. I hate her family is going through this however, I am glad her daugther wasnt in the vehicle. Her daughter is 6 and they do not use a booster seat with her. There is no doubt in my mind that if she had been in the car she would have been ejected from the vehicle.
Please keep my SIL in your prayers. She will be having another surgery in the morning that will reset both of her legs. The surgery will take about 4 hrs. Thanks for all of your prayers! I will keep you updated.
Wow. Still praying, thanks for the update.
wow. that is crazy. i can't believe the boy walked away with minimal injuries. praise God, though. he could've been a lot worse. SOOOOOO sorry about your SIL and the rest of the family. this is such a stressful time of year anyway and now to deal with the accident must be so hard. was she conscious after the accident? was she aware of what happened? praying for all of you.... keep us posted.
I'll pray too.
I sure hope SIL will be OK. I'll be praying!
Praying, Alicia
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