Victoria over at Life Starring Ellie and Eve started a new Mommy Confession! I think it's awesome. This will give you a chance to confess something and not be judged! I am all about that. Hop on over to Victoria's site and see other Mommy Confessions!Victoria over at Life Starring Ellie and Eve started a new Mommy Confession! I think it's awesome. This will give you a chance to confess something and not be judged! I am all about that. Hop on over to Victoria's site and see other Mommy Confessions!
My confession of the week...On the weekends whenever I put Kaylyn to bed I will let her watch a movie and while "trying" to fall asleep to it I put the sleep timer on for 90 mins. Now I know her she will stay up and watch a good part of the movie before konking out. This allows her to stay up later and in hopes of her sleeping later on the weekend. Does it work? For the most part yes. Just last Saturday she slept until 11:15...and so did I!
We do the same thing all the time, kind of. Of course our kids are older but we send them all up to Peanut's room to watch TV or a movie. They take after their parents and are usually up as late if not later than us! I love it in the summer because then they sleep until 10 or 11 most mornings and I still get quiet time!
Oh my goodness...we do this too. I always let the kids stay up later on weekends and even let them fall asleep to the t.v. because it's the weekend, unfortunately, they don't sleep in too much in the mornings, but I never thought it was a bad thing! You are a good mother!!
I've never done this! I may have to try it! My son is an early to rise kinda guy. Sleeping in on the weekend means we get up at 7:30 rather than 6:00am on the weekdays! But he can go to bed late as he pleases and still gets up early.
He have a lot of energy!
Thanks for stopping by. Happy Friday!
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