Today’s topic is “6 of your favorite things that are Pink.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .
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My Six this week:
- Kaylyn's baby blanket is pink...she still has it and it reminds me of when she was little.
- Mary Kay Pink Cadillac (picture from Google.com)
- pink undies! (what? you asked lol)
- pink starburst
- paradise pink lipstick
- old pair of pink flip flops
LOL I put pink panties too! And that cadillac is pretty sweet!
I love paradise pink lipstick!
OMG That car is AH-May-Zing!!!!!
That would be so fun to drive :D
Happy Saturday!
I have an old pair of pink flip flops they are great for summer
I am all about the pink undies to0!
Hi Just stopping by from the Follow Friday. I'm already following you. Glad you joined the hop again this week. I'm way behind but here I am.
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