These pics were taken on Saturday (sorry they arent very clear...it was taken by my cell phone). She was in the pool for almost 4 hours and then we had pizza afterwards. I love lazy pool days (even though I didnt get in) during the summer!
We have two fishtanks in our house. I dont have time for dogs or cats so we settled with some fish. We are just never at home so I dont think it would be fair to get an animal and have it penned up or locked inside or out all day with us not home. Maybe later.
Anyway...back to out two fish. One is a Beta fish that we have had since Christmas of 07. Kaylyn named him Homer...to answer your question, No we dont watch the Simpsons. That is a show she isnt allowed to watch. As for the other we have a small tank that had some of those bigger goldfish in there. I think we had five in there. Well now we only have 1. We have been keeping up the tank and feeding the fish daily. The fish had been thriving. Well the light bulb in the tank blew the other night and Kevin decided the fish needed light. I mean we have a lamp in the living room not to mention the window that is "light" during the day. So he found a regular old light bulb that would fit in there and turned it on. Please keep in mind that I didnt know he put the bulb in.
The next morning I went over to the fish tank and turned the bulb off and noticed that I couldnt find the fish. I thought that was strange because anytime someone would walk by the tank he would come right up to the top thinking he was going to be fed. So I took the top off of it and looked down in there and there he was. Floating on his back. I thought that was odd so I went and got the net and "fished" him out of there. I noticed that the water was warmer than usual. I thought it was weird but didnt say anything.
After a few minutes in the living room Kevin came in there too but couldnt see what I was doing since I had my back to him. He asked me if the bulb was still on...I told him no because I turned it off (I didnt know what kind of bulb he put in). So I asked him where he got the bulb because I knew you couldnt just put any old bulb in there. He told me it was a regular old 60 watt bulb and then it all hit. That "new bulb" heated up the water which in turn boiled killed the fish.
I will tell you now...I sure didnt marry my husband for his brains:)
***Side note: For the life of me I dont know where my camera is right now or I would have pics to go along with this.
Last night Kaylyn and I made chocolate cupcakes. She loves making cupcakes and its actually one thing she will eat...though I wont let her eat alot of them. She decided chocolate mix with chocolate icing. To me that sounds like too much chocolate but she was excited so I went along with it. She made it all...I just sat back and instructed her and made sure the kitchen didnt get too dirty. She did very well too. She poored the mix, oil, water and broke the eggs into the batter. I had to pick a few pieces of the egg shells out but nothing major. She then stirred it...well I stirred it because she wasnt actually getting down into the batter. She was only stirring the top.
I put all the cupcake cups into the muffin tin. I gave her a spoon and put batter into one of the muffin slots just to show her how high to fill it. After that I gave it all to her to finish. She filled the rest up and was able to manage to get chocolate everywhere but that is ok. I put them in the oven and set the timer (I am a timer fan because if I get distracted something will burn...trust me). She went back into the living room and was watching something on Disney. I finished up some work as well as cleaning up the kitchen. After the timer went off she came running in to check them out. I pulled them out so she could she and she was ready to put the icing on them. I told her they would definitely need to cool. After a while of cooling she was ready to ice them. I gave her the icing and she went to town on them. After 5 she lost interest in them and told me I can do the rest. I really think she was more excited over eating one. So I told her she could have one while I finished the others. I finished the rest up and turned around and there was Kaylyn...covered in chocolate. Times like this I really needed my camera. Anywhere chocolate was able to get she had it there.
All in all though we both had a good time making the cupcakes...well she really made then I supervised. But it was some good time together...I think we will have to do this more often. By the way...I have like 24 cupcakes that I will not eat...they didnt seem that appealing to me. I may have to bring some of them to work so she doesnt eat them all.
We were over at my parents house over the weekend and they live on a street that has a culdesac at the end of the road. Well Kaylyn, my dad and I were out in the front yard playing. One of the girls down the street was outside playing in her yard. After a while several other girls showed up and I could tell they were having a birthday party. For a while Kaylyn didn't notice all of the activities that was going on down the street (I was relieved) but when she did came the hard part. One of the girls saw her and asked to come to the party...well that would have been fine but it was a birthday party. My dad and I agreed that she didn't need to go because technically she wasn't invited to start with. It was nothing on purpose we just didnt really know them to start with and Kaylyn had only played with the other girl once or twice.
My thoughts were that she wasn't invited which could mean not enough food,cake or cupcakes and/or goody bags. And of course I didn't want to put the birthday girl's mom in a tizzy. She wasn't even out there and I didn't want my kid to "mysteriously" show up. So my dad and I thought it best that Kaylyn not go...well of course Kaylyn thought otherwise. Of course she didnt understand our reasoning and why would she? She is 5! She didnt understand that when I told her she wasnt invited her response was yes the girls told me to come. It just really hurt me to explain it to her because she didnt get it...I really thought she was thinking I was just being mean. I wasnt I just was honestly trying to protect her. I mean what if they did give out goody bags...well she wouldnt get one because there wouldnt have been enough. I didnt want her to feel left out...but at the same time I was hurting her by telling her she couldnt go. I just really hated that...she is over it but it was hard. You hate to see your kids feeling upset.
Have you or your kids ever been in situation like this? What would you have done?