I have really enjoyed her. She is a great lap dog. She loves to sit in my lap and watch TV. She is really good with Kaylyn too. I think she gets a little nervous when Kaylyn is really hyper but who doesn't lol! She is house trained for the most part....although I do think we are going to end of pulling up the carpet and putting down hardwoods. When we first got her she of course was nervous because of the new place and peed everywhere. I swear I still smell it but I have steamed cleaned my carpet like twice a month since we have gotten her.
However, since we have had Callie I have been nothing but sick! My allergies have been bothering me and I have had numerous sinus infections. So anyways, I talked to my doctor and she ran several tests and concluded that I am still allergic to many things including dogs. When she actually found out I had a dog she freaked out and told me it was in my best interest to get rid of the dog. So after discussing it with Kevin we are going to give her away to a good home. It was a hard decision especially since we have to tell Kaylyn. We will tell her sometime this weekend and I hope it goes well. Like I said I hate to get rid of her but I really have been nothing but miserable health wise of the last couple of months. So say a prayer that Kaylyn takes it well!